The practice of physical exercise has a beneficial effect on anxiety and improves mood.

These effects have been observed in different ages (children, youth, adults and the elderly) and in both sexes.

It is important that people who suffer from a physical problem consult their doctor about the most appropriate exercise.

As a general rule, it can be concluded that any type of physical activity, however small and short, is beneficial for our health. It is recommended:

  • That people practice vigorous physical activity on a regular basis.
  • That they perform more than one activity, practicing both aerobic exercises (swimming, running, cycling) and anaerobic (weights, push-ups, stretching, etc.).
  • It is important to note, in this regard, that the studies reviewed consider that aerobic exercise is more beneficial in reducing anxiety than anaerobic exercise.

The physical activities chosen should be pleasant and enjoyable, it is the way to get them practiced on a regular basis.

Practicing intensity exercise between moderate and high three times a week for 30-40 minutes can reduce the level of anxiety.

For example, walk quickly to the workplace, or get off a stop before the bus and walk the last leg of our journey. This activity, which could become a normal and healthy practice for our body or with a table of exercises at home while we listen to our favorite music. The main idea that is intended to convey with these examples is that physical exercise should be part of our daily lives, and for that there is nothing better than trying to adapt it to our needs and customs. Only in this way will we be able to practice it on a regular basis.

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