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The firm of professional consultancy, audit and legal advice services, PwC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers), predicts that 2019 will be a year of “exciting things” for the crypto ecosystem.

He predicts that in the next 12 months there will be a wave of institutional investment and greater regulatory clarity.

In an interview with Bloomberg, the PwC spokesman indicated that the big investors would give a boost to the sector in the next year, which translates into an injection of capital that has not yet been estimated by the multinational. During his speech the executive pointed out the following:

“I think there are many exciting things that the crypto ecosystem is waiting for 2019. One of them, I think, is really the input of institutional players. In 2018 we saw that many of the big banks entered this space and in 2019 I hope that many more will also enter, in different ways. ”

Arslanian stressed that there are several alternatives. One of them is the creation of companies dedicated exclusively to the sector and set as an example the move of the financial company Fidelity, which will offer services of management and custody of cryptoactives for institutions through its subsidiary Fidelity Digital Assets.

Other available paths could be new partnerships between corporations and startups that already make life in the ecosystem. A third way, according to the executive, would be direct investment in companies related to cryptoactives. In this section, Arslanian mentioned the case of the Goldman Sachs bank that invested in the Circle Internet Financial financing round.

With this scenario in mind for 2019, the executive points out: “this is very good because it will bring the level of institutional expertise and experience to the sector, which is something that crypto-industry needs”.

In relation to what would be the elements that would boost institutional investments, the executive of PwC indicated that greater regulatory clarity will be the fuel to move funds in this direction. The company also looks closely at potential growth in stock tokens and tokens anchored to national currencies.

PwC has gradually approached the crypto ecosystem. At the end of October, the company announced that it had incorporated some 400 employees to offer advisory services on cryptoactives. In August of this year a study of the company revealed that there was an interest on a global scale to know more about the technology related to cryptoactives.

Source: www.criptonoticias.com

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