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Ultraviolet radiation is not visible; nevertheless, many of the ultraviolet lamps emit marginally part of their light in the adjacent zone of the visible spectrum, with which they are observed of a violet color.

The action of the radiations on the living matter will be modified according to its energy. Living organisms are made up of complex organic molecules. Below the visible radiations we have infrared radiation, this is important for life because it has an adequate wavelength to heat water and, consequently, also to living beings, formed largely by water. On the other hand, visible radiations have a suitable wavelength to alter some of the molecules, but in a slight way. Above the visible radiations are high energy radiations: ultraviolet (UV), X-rays and g-rays. These radiations have enough energy to modify many of the molecules found in the cells and, as a consequence, can greatly alter their functioning. These radiations can react with different molecules of cells, such as DNA, and alter their functioning. Both in the case of UV radiation and that of X-rays and g, if the radiation doses received are sufficiently high, the damage produced can be so great that it prevents the cell from performing its vital functions and therefore causes only his death. That is why UV light is used as a bactericide.

At present, LED lights are already being developed that have applications for health. Infections that are contracted within hospitals can cause serious illness to patients to the point that it can lead to death.

LEDs that emit light in the deep ultraviolet range, below 290 nanometers, have large germicidal effects and are more economically feasible than ultraviolet robots or UV lamps.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
