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Performing physical exercise is very useful in the treatment and prevention of hypertension. Know the benefits of sport in the control of this disease and the most recommended activities for it.

Some of the appreciable benefits of exercising to control hypertension are:

  • Helps maintain adequate weight and prevent obesity.
  • It facilitates the heart to work better, reducing the number of beats per minute improving its contraction.
  • Avoid anxiety, depression and stress.
  • Controls blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels.
  • Makes you feel healthier and in better physical shape.

If you are hypertensive, before exercising, the first thing is to consult with the doctor. According to the tension figures, it will recommend the patient the most appropriate exercise.

For those people who suffer from hypertension, those exercises involving large muscle groups, rhythmic and aerobic, such as walking, dancing, running, swimming and cycling are effective.

When it comes to aerobic physical activity, you have to control the pulse and breathing, (when you gasp it means that maybe the intensity is excessive and you should lower the pace).

If it is a weight exercise, it must always be done with moderate loads (50-69% of the maximum force in that exercise).

As for the duration, if it is an aerobic activity, in sedentary people without any sporting experience, it is recommendable that they start by walking at a good pace, in short sessions of about 20 minutes, to progressively increase the time to 60 minutes. The recommended frequency is 3-5 days a week.

In people who do not have any habit of exercising, it is advisable to start with shorter sessions.

If it is a physical or anaerobic activity, the duration will depend on the number of exercises, series and repetitions.

Some hypertensive people find it impossible to get together half an hour in a row to walk. In these cases, it is advisable to distribute those 30 minutes in two periods of 15 minutes or three of ten minutes each day, because the effect is just as beneficial as if it were done at one time.

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