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Aging brings us the decrease of the process capacity of the central nervous system.

After 20 years, the processing speed decreases clearly with age in various tasks. The common characteristics in the behavior of people during old age decrease, although not in a generalized way, and it is notorious in the following processes: Slowing down in the speed of processing, Reduction of the operative memory, less effectiveness in the inhibitory control, Decrease in certain capacities of the long-term memory.

New experiments in mice have indicated that the restoration of brain plasticity could be the key to reversing age-related cognitive decline, which would take years of clinical trials to confirm the hypothesis definitively.

However, the study found that a decrease in brain plasticity has the potential to reverse itself, which means that the age-related cognitive decline that we have come to accept as part of aging may actually be mitigated in the future.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
