Stigma can aggravate the symptoms of mental illness.

Stigma is a distinctive mark that excludes a person from others. It also diminishes and attributes negative characteristics to that person and their value in the social group to which they belong.

Stigma also refers to negative attitudes and behaviors toward people with substance abuse and mental health problems.

Stigma occurs when someone views you negatively because of some distinctive characteristic, that is, a personal trait that is considered a disadvantage.

Example: attitudes, race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, sex, age, or physical or mental disability that are considered unfavorable that discredit or reject a person.

Stigma has a profound influence on people’s lives. For this reason, it manifests itself in various ways, both socially and individually.

Influence on mental health:
  • Worsening of symptoms: The stress and anxiety associated with stigma can aggravate the symptoms of mental illness, creating a vicious cycle.
  • Low self-esteem: Stigmatised people often internalise the negative messages they receive, which can lead to low self-esteem and feelings of shame and guilt.
  • Delay in seeking help: Fear of rejection, discrimination and social judgement can discourage people from seeking the treatment or support they need for their mental health. This can worsen their symptoms and make it harder to recover.
  • Social isolation: Fear of rejection can lead people to isolate themselves from social life. This can therefore worsen their mental health problems.
Influence on social and economic life:
  • Difficulties in finding employment: People with mental health problems often find it difficult to find and keep employment, due to stigma and discrimination.
  • Poverty: Discrimination and difficulties in finding employment can contribute to poverty among people with mental health problems.
  • Discrimination: People with mental health problems may face discrimination in various areas of life, such as employment, housing, education and the criminal justice system.
  • Violence: People with mental health problems are at increased risk of being victims of violence, both physical and verbal.
Influence on family and relationships:
  • Family tension: Stigma can lead to tension and conflict in families, as family members may not understand or support the person with mental health problems.
  • Social isolation: People with mental health problems may isolate themselves from friends and family due to stigma.
  • Relationship difficulties: Stigma can make it difficult to maintain healthy and meaningful relationships.

It is important to note that stigma is not inevitable. That is why people living with a mental health condition who experience discrimination also encounter barriers in finding and maintaining work, safe housing and health care services.

Therefore, it has an impact on social interaction with family members, friends and the community.

On the other hand, the majority of the Italian population thinks that people with mental disorders should not be excluded from society.

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