Telepsychiatry is the provision of mental health services through technology, such as communication through video calls and messaging.

Telepsychiatry means that instead of going to a doctor’s office to make an appointment, you can now get help from your own home. This is very important for people who live far from clinics or cannot easily leave home.

And because it’s easier to make appointments, you’re more likely to stick to your treatment plan.

Currently, there is a deterioration in the mental health of many people due to the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the confinement, restrictions, or isolation that we all had to experience at that time. However, thanks to the technology applied to telepsychiatry, work is being done in the area of mental health to advance research in the early detection of disorders and offer treatment to a greater percentage of the population.

Telepsychiatry also proved to be very helpful in the pandemic situation caused by Covid-19. Thanks to it, all people who needed psychiatric care could receive it without fear of being exposed to the new virus, and regardless of the mobility restrictions in force.

For many people, talking openly about their health status can cause anxiety; however, thanks to telepsychiatry, they can find solace in privacy and discretion.

In the years to come, telepsychiatry will continue to expand and become more accessible, helping people with mental health problems around the world. If you are looking to create digital healthcare solutions, such as an app to communicate privately with your patients, check out our telepsychiatry app development services. Custom mobile application.

Terms used:

Mental Health: The World Health Organization defines mental health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”.

Telepsychiatry: is a branch of telemedicine in which ICTs -Information and Communication Technologies- are applied to provide remote psychiatric clinical care.

Pandemic: Epidemic disease that extends to many countries or that attacks almost all individuals in a locality or region.

Anxiety: It is a feeling of fear, fear and restlessness.,mayor%20porcentaje%20de%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n.,atenci%C3%B3n%20cl%C3%ADnica%20psiqui%C3%A1trica%20a%20distancia.