Although cryptocurrencies are currencies that have relatively little time to live, experts say that their impact on the global economy will be stronger as the years go by. Even so, it has already been possible to experience some real situations in which these virtual currencies have gained special prominence.

Apart from the crisis of 2008, of which we have already spoken before, we can also comment on the main role they have taken with respect to Brexit.

When this happened, the pound sterling was devalued enough, something that for foreign buyers was good news but not so much for the local citizens who saw quickly how their capital had lost value.

The solution in this case was the use of cryptocurrencies, the British decided to bet on these virtual currencies to keep intact the value of their capital and not be affected by the general economic situation that the country was going through.

Something similar happened with the yuan, the Chinese market has also been devalued and the value of the local currency decreased significantly, however, it is not the same with cryptocurrencies and for this reason, many users prefer to use this means to multiply and secure your money.

If you want to belong to this new era, enter and invest in the best cryptocurrency.