One of the concepts that are appearing most when talking about cryptocurrencies, is that of the ICO (Initial Coin Offerings).

An ICO is a form of financing a business project that, instead of offering shares, offers virtual tokens, or what is the same, cryptocurrencies. These have some hypothetical value due to their scarcity and demand, and are directly associated with the business project that creates them. Now, if that project succeeds, the cryptocurrencies on which its financing was based gain value and that ends up offering an interesting return on investment for investors.

The operation is therefore similar to that of public sales offers, but instead of buying shares in a company, we buy cryptocurrencies.

All these new cryptocurrencies rely on a chain of blocks that supports the structure of this new virtual token. One of them, which is on its way to a promising future in terms of economy and health, is iCashWeb, the only cryptocurrency in the world that, in addition to great financial stability, offers you a new health system that completely changes strategies in the that medicine is based today.

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