The insecure person does not have confidence in his own merit and abilities.

The insecure person doubts his own abilities, and therefore feels that he is not capable of carrying out an activity or task despite being qualified.

Certainly, his numerous doubts lead him to avoid making decisions, even in the most everyday matters, which can encourage others to make their decisions.

Insecure people have no confidence in themselves, their merit, or their abilities, and they lack confidence in others.

On the other hand, shoulders, in addition to your self-esteem, also speak about your state of mind. Shrunken shoulders show exhaustion and indicate that the person is carrying a great weight in the form of worries.

In fact, along with lowered gaze, a bowed head and slumped shoulders are another unmistakable sign of insecurity.

Characteristics of an insecure person:

  • They are people incapable of saying “no”, keeping in mind that they may be harmed.
  • Normally, someone who is insecure sometimes tends to avoid social gatherings because the anxiety caused by facing others is often unbearable. Simply a doubt about their physical appearance or their clothing can produce a total emotional block and paralyze them, and even stop doing things.
  • They constantly talk about their own humility too often. They tend to think that everything they do is wrong and therefore feel little capable of achieving their goals.
  • Low self-esteem. Feeling vulnerable or feeling threatened by other people. Constant anger.
  • Shy, embarrassed, timid, hesitant, self-conscious, embarrassing.

Shoulders shrugged. Symbols. Definition and function.

The shoulder shrug is a gesture that is performed by lifting both shoulders. It is an indication by an individual of not knowing an answer, or of not attaching importance to a result. It is also used when simply dismissing a question.

The Shoulder is the part of the body that serves as a link between the arm and the body. It is formed by the union of the ends of three bones: the clavicle, the scapula (shoulder blade) and the humerus, as well as muscles, ligaments and tendons.

The shrug or raising of the shoulders is an indication of a person not knowing an answer, or not attaching importance to a fact. It is also used when simply dismissing a question.

In general, the raising of the shoulders indicates uncertainty, confusion or displeasure, although its meaning may vary depending on the context.

Recommendations to achieve self-confidence:

  • Build an attitude of mental confidence.
  • Be kind to yourself when you compare yourself to others.
  • Get rid of self-doubt.
  • Take safe risks.
  • Challenge yourself to do something that is outside your usual comfort zone.
  • Recognize your talent and let it shine.

Therefore, we must build self-esteem throughout our lives, to learn to value ourselves even though we make mistakes, to think that we are people with valuable abilities, in this way we will allow ourselves to be confident people.



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