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The therapies with serums or serum therapy are a new alternative that offers traditional and aesthetic medicine to solve different problems and that brings great benefits to health.

Constipation problems can be treated with therapies with serums or serum therapy. This treatment of therapies with serums or serum therapy consists in the intravenous incorporation of trace elements, vitamin C and minerals that repair important components of the cells of the body, neutralize free radicals and rejuvenate the interior of the cells. In this way the therapies with serums or serum therapy act through beneficial serums for our organism that is carried out in several weekly sessions of 30 minutes or according to medical criteria.

Among the benefits of therapies with serums or serum therapy is that you can perform a single treatment with several medications in the same application. In addition, the effect of the drugs is much greater thanks to the intravenous application that allows an immediate effect in the organism.

This technique is performed with Heel medicines, which have INVIMA registration approved for injectable use, high quality standards and are free of microorganisms. The trace elements are substances or minerals necessary for the organism that have a very important role in the various metabolic processes of the body, so they have a detoxifying and balancing effect.

Detoxification: As the name implies, they seek to eliminate toxins. Our body has its own method, known as the lymphatic system, but many times it does not eliminate them all. These sueritos are very practical at the liver and lymphatic level. In addition, because many diseases are derived from these external factors, it is recommended for all people in general, to perform this treatment at least twice a year. By eliminating toxins, we can prevent diseases, and cleanse our body!

Learn more about your health and well-being at Pharmamedic.
