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To treat scabies there are specific medications that are applied to the skin.

This topical treatment must, on the one hand, kill the mites and on the other, avoid a new infection.

To treat scabies, use an ointment with the active ingredient permethrin and apply it all over the body, except in the face region. This effective medicine is a synthetic insecticide that has the same effect as the natural substance generated by some flowers (Pyrethrum). After waiting for it to take effect for 12 hours, wash with water.

Permethrin is very effective against scabies, compatible even with pregnancy or in children, although it is advisable to apply it in smaller doses. However, it could be that the medicine against scabies irritated the skin. That is why it is advisable, after treatment, to anoint the skin with soothing creams and against eczema.

Other medications available against scabies are lindane, benzyl benzoate and crotamiton. These emulsions or ointments are, unlike Permethrin, applicable for more successive days (maximum three) in the afternoon. You can wash with lindane the next morning (without soap), while the other medications should be washed when the days of treatment finish.

Learn more about your health and well-being at Pharmamedic.
