Stuttering is a speech disorder in which sounds, syllables or words are repeated; the sounds are prolonged; and there are speech interruptions known as “blocks”. A person who stutters knows exactly what he or she wants to say, but has trouble producing a normal flow of speech. At the moment there is no treatment capable of eliminating the problem, and the therapy must be aimed at improving the quality of life of the patient. Although it is important to remember that detecting it in time helps a lot to correct the problem.

Stuttering is the repetition or frequent prolongation of sounds, or syllables. Significantly disturbs the fluidity of language is characterized by unwanted repetitions of syllables, words or phrases, accompanied by spasmodic interruptions of the conversation, which produce anguish.

The origin of stuttering is in the lack of coordination of peripheral movements of speech, but its cause is not known. This condition, like the rest of speech disorders, has a higher incidence in men (four times more than in women), and usually manifests between three and six years. When it starts in adulthood it is usually related to a traumatic event or a nervous system injury.

Stuttering is a speech disorder closely related to the environment of the affected person. At the moment there is no treatment capable of eliminating the problem, and the therapy must be aimed at improving the quality of life of the patient. Although it is important to remember that detecting it in time helps a lot to correct the problem.

Regarding parents or teachers, it is convenient to remodel the environment in which the child develops to reduce stuttering episodes as much as possible, and for the child to feel relaxed and comfortable to express himself, without fear of making a fool of himself or be evaluated and criticized.

It is not advisable to correct him if he gets stuck, or hurry him, let him speak calmly, and focus on the content of what he says and not in the way he says it.

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