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If we want to avoid possible injuries, first we must learn to run and second, we must find out how we tread, in order to improve that footprint and choose a suitable footwear.

To prevent disorders associated with your way of walking and running, it is advisable that you do a study of the tread.

Thanks to new technological advances we can improve our way of walking and running and, in this way, prevent disorders and pains that can appear not only with the practice of sports, but also when performing daily activities, walking or standing.

It consists of analyzing the foot both in static position (simply standing standing) and in movement (walking and running), and analyze how this movement affects other parts of the body (knee, hip and back). Therefore, this study is aimed at avoiding or reducing certain medical problems, such as sprains, tendonitis, muscle overload, pelvic tilt, etc.

The specialist performs a joint and muscle exploration with the patient lying on the stretcher, in order to see how the patient’s physical condition is quickly. Then a pressure platform is used in which a double work will be carried out:

  • Static analysis of posture and footprint. The patient will remain standing for a few seconds on a platform that is connected to a computer. This platform will make a scan and read the foot and send the image to a computer screen where it can be studied by the specialist. This will also reveal the distribution of body weight in each of the feet when you are in that position.
  • Dynamic analysis of posture and footprint. The patient should walk and probably run over the pressure platform, as if he were using a kind of treadmill in the gym. All the information will be registered again by the computer.

These recommendations can range from assistance to rehabilitation, to simple templates that will be developed in orthopedic workshops based on the results of the biomechanical study.

Learn more about your health and well-being at Pharmamedic.
