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The analgesic belongs to one of the most common groups of drugs in the world, for being a remedy to calm or eliminate pain, whether it is muscular, head, arthritis, etc. These analgesics can be medicines based on chemical compounds, such as based on natural products.

The Gentiana Triflora or Gentian are annual or perennial plants and some biennials that reach a size of 35-80 cm in height. Glabrous stems Leaf-blades linear to linear-lanceolate, base obtuse to rounded, margin slightly revolute and soft acuminate, sharp apex, prominent veins. Pale purple lower leaves and slightly smaller upper leaves. The axillary inflorescences formed by groups or terminal clusters, with few to many flowers; Tubular chalice usually divided on one side; Irregular lobes, linear to narrowly triangular, margin slightly revolute, apex acute, vein 1. Blue-purple, tubular-flared, 3.5 to 4.5 cm; lobes ovate-orbicular, 5-8 mm, entire margin or erose, apex obtuse to rounded. Capsules of 1.5 to 1.8 cm; gynophore at 1 cm. Seeds 2-2.5 mm.

Gentian is the scientific name, also known in some parts of Europe as Hierba de San Ladislao is a genus of plants of the Gentianaceae family. It is a large genus with 1553 species described and of these, only 354 accepted.

It is a cosmopolitan genre that is distributed throughout the temperate regions of Asia, Europe and America. Also in very little quantity in other countries like New Zealand.

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Most of these plants have a rosette of few basal leaves, sessile and opposite. The flowers are usually large in proportion to the modest dimensions of the plants, usually blue, but some species have white, cream, yellow or red flowers. Blue flower species predominate in the northern hemisphere, red in the Andes and white in New Zalanda. Well developed calyx tube, sometimes cleft and spastic. Lobes of the corolla shorter than the tube, alternating with others, petaloideos, shorter; stamens inserted below the middle of the corolla tube, without appendages, pollen in monads; stipulated ovary, short or indistinct, persistent style, with two stigmas; nectaries in the stipe of the ovary, with five petals in the corolla and the calyx formed by five sepals. The ovary is sessile and has nectariferous glands. The fruit in capsules, ovoid pointed. Very numerous and small seeds, with reticulated cover.

The root of this Gentiana plant is used as a compound for the preparation of medicines and is effective in reducing fever. It can also be useful for intestinal cramps, favors the functioning of the immune system. It has an antibiotic effect, fighting germ infections. It takes care of the liver and helps to purify the blood. It serves to treat psoriasis and accelerates the healing of skin wounds. It has a stimulating effect on the thyroid gland, which may be beneficial in case of hypothyroidism. It favors the regulation of blood pressure.

Similarly, it is suggested not to administer during pregnancy or lactation. For people with gastroduodenal ulcers and their administration should be under medical supervision.

A product that can serve is Triflora.

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