The act of feeding ourselves goes beyond a mere physiological need, it is a true symbol of how we face life, especially through the first significant figure with whom we establish an important bond such as our mother. She feeds us through her breast, and she is the one who usually feeds us in our early years, eating is the main act that connects us with life, nourishes us and allows us to be alive.

Today’s society continues to demand a certain image and specific measures, exalting youth and appearance above all else, publishing on social networks is increasingly unhealthy and a sector of adolescents does not identify with anything more than with their own photos, running the risk of getting confused in them, thus losing sight of their personal identity.

In short, they perceive themselves as others do, based on the assessments they make of them, leaving their self-concept in external hands, which is very dangerous, since they have no control over their lives, resulting in a fragile ego. and a malleable psyche.

If we move to the Internet environment, we will find content in digital media that promotes eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, being very significant the existence of web pages that encourage potentially harmful practices for health aimed at reducing the number of calories ingested and achieve measures below what could be described as healthy.

What can we do:

  • Let’s avoid rewarding or punishing with food.
  • The act of eating must be pleasant and framed in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, so we must make an effort to create a space of calm and positivity, without shouting or arguing.
  • On the other hand, forcing people to eat a food the hard way can cause rejection towards it.
  • Do not give a negative connotation to meal times.
  • It should not be a power struggle, it is important to emphasize the positive of the experience.
  • Very important not to watch television or use other devices during meals.
  • It is important to be aware of the act of eating. Let’s involve children in the preparation of simple meals.
  • It is important that we educate in a healthy diet and habits.
  • The goal is for them to develop a good relationship with food, to come to love it.

Eating correctly is very easy. We must eat quality and varied food.

That is why we recommend the following to maintain an organism in good condition:

  • Minimize processed foods, they are high in calories.
  • Eat fresh food as these contain more nutrients.
  • Prefer whole foods.
  • Avoid trans fats, which are contained in processed foods.
  • Very important, eat varied.


We must start educating children with a healthy diet, with respect and dedication, if we maintain good communication with them they will become mature and responsible adults in every way. And let’s not forget that we are always their role model.