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Pilot and English aeronautical engineer.

Wittle initiates the engine design that applies the principle of action and reaction enunciated by Isaac Newton. The apparatus works by compressing the air by a system of rotating blades. Then the air enters an ignition chamber. As the gas expands, it rotates a turbine that produces the rotation of the blades, resuming the cycle.

After many years, Wittle obtains the support the economic support necessary to perfect his invention. In 1941, he builds his first plane. The invention was not applied to fighter aircraft during World War II in the time of the postwar period begins to be used in commercial aircraft and today the vast majority of passenger aircraft and war aircraft are equipped with them.However, it is the engineer German Hans Von Ohain was the first to build an aircraft with a jet engine in the year 1939. In addition his invention is applied to a fighter aircraft, Messerschmitt-262 during World War II. For his part, Wittle is knighted, in recognition of his technological contribution to world history.

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