Physiotherapy helps with the quality of care and provides patients with new tools for their recovery.

Physiotherapy, through technological advances, is changing the way treatments are practiced. That is why, from virtual reality to exoskeletons, these innovations are making physiotherapy a more accessible and personalized tool.

New technologies in physiotherapy are specialized systems for the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal pathologies.

Rehabilitation systems:

High Intensity Laser, Shock Waves, Compression Boots, Isoinertial Devices.

Tele-physiotherapy, also known as online physiotherapy or telerehabilitation, is a medical care modality that uses communication technology, such as video calls and online platforms, to provide physiotherapy therapy to patients remotely.


  • One of the main advantages of using technology in physical therapy is the ability to monitor and track patient progress more accurately. Likewise, wearable devices and sensors allow physical therapists to collect objective data on patient function and movement.
  • Cutting-edge technology has had a significant impact on the field of advanced physical therapy, offering new tools and functionalities that improve the accuracy of diagnosis, treatment, and patient recovery.
  • Digital physical therapy (abbreviated as digital PT) includes various platforms, mobile health apps, and tools designed to complement the physical therapist, improve the delivery of personalized patient care, and enable convenient virtual treatment solutions.
  • New techniques used in physical therapy:
  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR): this tool allows the creation of interactive and personalized rehabilitation programs.
    Robotics: this is another technological tool that uses robotic devices to assist and guide the patient’s movements during therapy.
  • Wearables and sensors: Wearable devices allow physical therapists to remotely monitor patients’ physical activity. They can also provide valuable information about patients’ lifestyle and help identify areas for improvement.
  • Telephysiotherapy: Allows remote care to be provided through video conferencing and online platforms.
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES): This is a technique that uses electrical impulses to stimulate muscles and improve their strength and function.
  • Shock waves: These waves stimulate tissue healing and reduce pain.

Devices used in physical therapy:

  • Muscle electrostimulators are used for various purposes, such as muscle strengthening.
    Magnetotherapy is an instrumental physiotherapy that uses electromagnetic fields to treat acute or chronic bone and muscle pathologies. It also restores cellular balance when cells are damaged.
  • Digital Physiotherapy: Digital Physio is an online physiotherapy consultation that allows the client to have an in-depth assessment and the formalization of a treatment plan by a certified physiotherapist.
  • Stretchers and Stools for Physiotherapy.
  • Creams and Essential Oils.
  • Electrotherapy for Physiotherapy.
  • Footprint study.
  • Bandages for Physiotherapy.
  • Dry puncture needles.
  • Cold-heat therapy.
  • Knee pads, ankle braces and wrist braces.

Therefore, new technologies are revolutionizing physiotherapy, improving the quality of care and providing patients with more effective tools for their recovery. Likewise, it improves the accuracy of diagnosis, treatment and the patient’s prompt recovery.

I invite you to read another article:
Ultrasound Therapy: Innovation and Health for you

Ultrasound Therapy: Innovation and Health for you
