Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to analyze and improve the study of data on medical diseases that affect millions of people.

An ophthalmologist is a doctor or osteopath who specializes in eye and vision care. While ophthalmologists are trained to care for all eye problems and conditions, some ophthalmologists specialize more in a specific area of care, whether it is medical or surgical eye care.

Currently, ophthalmology is one of the medical specialties with the greatest use of Artificial Intelligence and has been a pioneer in the use of this technology to detect, diagnose and treat eye pathologies of all kinds, in addition to creating guides on these pathologies.

Automated algorithms use and analyze a huge amount The use of Artificial Intelligence systems in ophthalmology helps to store thousands of eye images and data, which is its main advantage of its use in ophthalmology. A specialist without this tool would be unable to analyze large blocks of information, since diagnoses are obtained from thousands of medical and biological data.

However, research continues to ensure that this technology achieves greater confidence among ophthalmologists and patients in using this tool.

Currently, the images of the fundus of the eyes are applied in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as myopia, glaucoma, diabetic macular edema, it also allows ophthalmologists to make accurate and higher quality diagnoses, based on photographic compilations available in ocular glaucoma and other pathologies.

Similarly, a machine learning algorithm is used to detect diabetic retinopathy (DR), the IDx-DR (IDx, LLC, Coralville, Iowa, USA).

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence applied to ophthalmology are based on facilitating the diagnosis and improving the treatment of ocular disorders, which is why Artificial Intelligence in ophthalmology has a progressive development. For this reason, this technology is increasingly implemented in this medical specialty.

We can deduce that, by combining technologies with AI to diagnose disease, it will allow the development of lower cost programs, compared to the evaluation of an image or a face-to-face visit.

If you have vision failure or any unusual symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a specialist and learn about the benefits of advances with artificial intelligence in ophthalmology.,para%20corregir%20problemas%20de%20visi%C3%B3n.