Zelophobia is the abnormal and unjustified fear of jealousy and envy.

Its origin is very diverse and can present itself very differently between some patients and others. There are some cases in which patients during their childhood witnessed the reaction of one of their parents out of jealousy, which made the child assimilate the idea of fear. It is considered the strangest phobia that exists, which occurs for fear of suffering from them and being the cause of this type of feeling. They avoid attracting attention and are very afraid that others will react jealously and with envy.


Zelophobia is caused by intense, negative or shameful experiences related to jealousy, either by personal experience or by reference from other people.

The diagnosis of Zelophobia can be inaccurate, since the origin of the fear of jealousy is much more complex and is related to other types of elements unrelated to Zelophobia.


They are very diverse and occur both physically and mentally.

  • Tachycardia
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Instability,
  • Dizziness and tremors.
  • Numbness in your muscles and joints.
  • On a mental level: panic, fear, sadness, guilt, anxiety and anger.


Treatment in the vast majority of cases is long and complex. Mental health experts recommend hypnotherapy and psychoanalysis. They are very effective in finding the source of the problem and combating fear.

