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EGREGATED WITNESS (SegWit) or Segregated Witness is one of the most important technical advances that the Bitcoin protocol has had in its recent history.

SEGWIT: this technology adds to each block of the chain a new structure known as “witness”, which helps to lighten the information recorded them. For this purpose, the witness stores the data referring to the signatures of the transactions registered in the blocks. This structure is not deleted from the block, in case a user wishes to confirm the origin of said signatures.

SegWit allows to register separately the Merkle tree of transactions and the signatures of each of these operations. That is, for each transaction, the data of the signers and scripts are registered separately; which, accelerates and lightens the space consumption of the operation in the block. In this special work we bring you 5 Bitcoin wallets that support SegWit, with a brief description of their functions.

We mentioned some of the pros and cons we have found:

Samourai is a keychain or purse designed for mobile devices and compatible with the Android operating system. He was one of the first to adopt this new update of the network. The wallet has transactions with SegWit enabled by default. For this reason, sending bitcoins from Samourai is usually cheaper; since, by requiring a smaller amount of space in the blocks, the commission of the mining generated by the transaction is reduced.

With SegWit enabled by default, you pay less in miners’ fees when you transact with Samourai Wallet and benefit from cheaper transactions, “explains the wallet’s website on this decision.

ELECTRUM: is a bitcoin wallet that offers a version for computers, compatible with Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, and one for mobile devices, compatible with Android and iOS. This portfolio also implemented SegWit as soon as it was available.

WASABI: This is a wallet that seeks to raise the privacy and anonymity of transactions with bitcoins through tools such as TOR, among others. Wasabi provides economic transactions to its users, thanks to the implementation of SegWit in its version for computers.

The purse uses a mixer based on CoinJoin, a tool designed to mix the transactions of bitcoins, in order to increase their level of anonymity.

TREZOR: It is one of the most popular cold purses (hardware) in the market. The device has SegWit from its Beta version. This type of actions has given the Trezor team a positive reputation among the bitcoiners community; who have described their attitude as that of a “responsible corporate actor”, for the diligence in updating their software.

This is one of the few purses designed for the administration of multiple cryptoactives that SegWit has enabled.

Source: www.criptonoticias.com

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