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Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by extreme and prolonged fatigue that is not related to a previous effort or improvement with rest.

There is no cure, but there are treatments that help those affected.

When presenting symptoms such as lymphadenopathy, sore throat, headache, etc. Many patients go through countless consultations of specialists and medical centers in search of other diagnoses that have a similar clinical expression. At present there is no treatment that manages to cure chronic fatigue syndrome. There are, however, several therapeutic lines that, in combination, allow the patient to live a life close to normal and coexist reasonably with this problem.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy allows a better adaptation of the patient to assimilate how it is to live with his illness and how the changes that CFS involves affect his environment and himself. This should be taught by professionals (psychotherapists) in sessions of about 60 minutes, not less than 4-6 months, and it is essential that it be applied from the beginning of the diagnosis. Sometimes group therapy has shown benefit, where each patient expresses and knows all the experiences of the cases of this disorder.

It is advisable to do physical exercise.

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