Psychotherapy sessions include relaxation techniques and new ways to stay active.

If the improvement in the patient’s quality of life is taken into account, psychotherapy is relatively cheaper than conventional treatment.

The aim of the sessions was to encourage attitude changes, focusing on the positive aspects.

They reveal that people who receive psychotherapy sessions are twice as likely to recover from their ailment, compared to those who receive conventional treatment. It is a treatment that is based on the psychic or physical symptoms manifested by the individual and that generate discomfort, to favor a series of changes in the patient’s behavior that allow them to adapt to their environment and improve their health and well-being. to normalize their relations with others and their integration in society.

Psychotherapy was relatively cheaper. They emphasize that the importance of the finding is that the treatments for back pain used so far have not shown long-term efficacy.

Stress favors the development of muscular contractures and, as a consequence, back pain appears. The nerve structures are stimulated with stress and the perception of pain intensifies. In addition, stress can favor a type of attitude towards pain that increases the risk of it occurring or prolonging it for a longer time.

Negative posture to pain, believing that it will continue, incapacitating the patient and permanently diminishing their quality of life.

Reduction of physical activity and abuse of symptomatic medication, due to fear of pain.

Lack of self-confidence to handle the pain and disability that implies.

Make doctors or other health professionals, family members, partners responsible for pain control

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