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Tezos is a platform for intelligent contracts and decentralized applications, developed with a clear vision by the former Morgan Stanley analyst Arthur Breitman, it is the first adaptable cryptocurrency in the world and it has positioned itself among the first 20 cryptocurrencies with greater capitalization, but not before for some legal problems and internal struggles.

This platform has a specific focus on the members of the network, since it implements a governance system where it depends entirely on the users, the interested parties have the possibility to participate and vote on the updates, to execute this governance system employs an algorithm delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) that allows to achieve a consensus on the platform.

A developer proposes some change or update to the Tezos protocol, by doing so, they can also attach an invoice to the proposal and, if the community approves the change and it is added to the next update, the developer receives a payment in XTZ tokens ( Tez or Tezzies).

This system is doubly beneficial, since it encourages developers to participate in the improvement of Tezos, and also decentralizes the maintenance and development of the network, formal mathematical tests are used to verify that the key properties of the block chain are maintained during any update, this allows constant updates in your protocol, therefore Tezos can gradually increase over time, being its goal deceptively simple: create a chain of blocks that is capable of incorporating improvements without risking a difficult bifurcation that can divide your community.

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It also has its own programming language, which they called Michelson, specifically designed to facilitate the creation of smart contracts in the chain of blocks of Tezos, allows the formal verification of these, it is a technique mathematically that demonstrates the accuracy of the code that governs the transactions, in this way, users are able to demonstrate that they own their contracts by making them safer.

Initially an ICO was carried out at a price of 0.47 dollars that lasted 13 days, 66,000 Bitcoins and 361,000 Ethereum were collected, with a value of 232 million at that time. Currently, the total number of coins in circulation is 607,489,041 XTZ out of a total of 763 million, there are only two exchanges offering transactions in XTZ tokens, available in Gate.io and in HitBTC, with the exception that HitBTC does not have the real tokens, but of IOU tokens, its price is at US $ 2.21 (July 2018), and it shows a market capitalization above US $ 1,300 million.

Surely as you move out of betanet, more exchanges will include XTZ tokens, given that they undoubtedly have the necessary resources to appear in lists of important exchanges such as Binance, so we must be aware of what the future holds for this cryptocurrency.

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