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Due to various causes, the blood supply that carries oxygen to the brain is not enough to keep it conscious and alert.

There is then a loss of consciousness that can be complete or partial, but that is quickly recovered again. This is called fainting, syncope, or fainting.

Symptoms: Sudden weakness; Pallor; Cold sweating Blurry vision; Unconsciousness or semi-consciousness: the obnubilated person will be noticed, with little reaction to stimuli; Sudden fall to the ground; Superficial respiration; Weak pulse


There are people to whom strong emotions such as anxiety, fear or even joy suppose an overexcitement that can lead to lipotimia.

  • Closed sites with poor ventilation often produce a feeling of overwhelm, and cause anxiety attacks and syncopes.
  • Fasting maintained in time

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  • Pain, because it affects very differently each person, can cause the brain to disconnect and cause the person to suffer fainting.


  • Extreme heat that causes a sudden drop in tension.


  • Normally it also depends on the person, because what does not affect someone else can generate anxiety that causes an episode of lipotimia.


  • Fainting is also associated with phobias, which cause fears that may also lead to fainting.

Faced with a faint there are some actions that we should not undertake:

  • Do not give anything to eat or drink until the person is fully recovered, in which case you can give water.
  • Never leave the victim alone.

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