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Mint is a species of herbaceous plants, which is divided into different species and hybrids, among which is the variety mint (Mentha spicata).

It is included among the aromatic herbs of greater diffusion and is appreciated for its characteristic refreshing aroma. It is used in medicines and gastronomy.

They are durable and aromatic herbaceous plants. They have underground rhizomes that make them often behave as species that invade the entire area where they develop and the leaves are of opposite disposition, simple and elongated to pointed. The flowers appear with colors ranging from white to purple.

Mint due to its excellent composition is a plant with important health properties for our body, especially for the respiratory and digestive systems. In fact, only its aroma has the quality to refresh the respiratory tract and, at the same time, stimulate the appetite.

As for the action in the digestive system, peppermint reduces intestinal irritation -proper for diseases such as diarrhea, colitis or Crohn’s disease- and gases, while promoting the digestive process by improving, among others, the functioning of the liver. It also reduces and prevents vomiting and abdominal cramps.

A medicine that can also help is Rennie.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
