Acidity is a digestive problem that produces a burning or burning sensation that goes up to the larynx.

It originates when a small amount of acid refluxes and burns the wall of the esophagus, which is the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Normally, the cardia (the part of the stomach closest to the esophagus) remains closed while digestion is taking place. However, sometimes, this valve relaxes and passes gastric acids into the esophagus. This process is called gastroesophageal reflux.

Although acidity is a very common disorder, it significantly affects the quality of life of people who suffer from it, conditioning their daily activity and even sleep patterns on many occasions.

In addition to taking care of our diet, there are several treatments that can help us to relieve acidity and improve digestion. Reduflux, from Omega Pharma, is a state-of-the-art compound that forms a superior protective barrier that instantly eliminates reflux and provides instant relief and lasting protection for up to 4 hours.

Reduflux contains Phycodol, an alginate formulated with high-quality brown seaweed extracts that eliminates acid reflux instantaneously while protecting against pain and discomfort.

You can find it in two formats: liquid and compressed sachets, both with a pleasant fresh mint flavor.

Reduflux should be taken after meals when symptoms have appeared and before bedtime. It is suitable for coeliacs, as it does not contain gluten or lactose.

It is indicated for both adults and children over 12 years and can be taken completely safely during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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