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Maybe the batteries of the future are made of paper, which would not only help thanks to its greater efficiency but it would also serve to reduce the electronic waste that we generate in the future.

In the United States, a group of scientists from Binghamton University has created a biodegradable paper-based battery. For years, there has been enthusiasm in the scientific community about the possibility that paper batteries are a plausible ecological alternative and this would be a way to start reducing e-waste. The new design becomes a self-sustainable bio-battery.

“The new hybrid paper battery exhibited a much higher power / cost ratio than all the paper microbial batteries previously exposed,” Choi explains in the magazine Advanced Sustainable Systems, which includes the study.

The biobattery uses a hybrid of paper and engineering polymers. The polymers in question are lightweight, low cost and also very flexible. Producing the batteries is quite simple, because the material allows all kinds of modifications according to the necessary configuration.

This battery was introduced in water and it was evidenced that it effectively has the capacity to degrade without the need for another product to be applied. If this biodegradable battery is perfected, this may be the beginning of the evolution of electronic waste, which in recent times has been increasing considerably.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
