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Many times because of work stress we stop to think about how to stay healthy to enjoy with the family and have a good life at work. However, children also get sick and require special care.

It is important that they have a good diet and high vitamin levels.

Children’s Probiotic is a special multi-strain formula suitable for all ages (children too).

It is a symbiotic formula with live microorganisms of clinically studied strains. A mixture of lactic ferment strains suitable for childhood. These are quickly fermented in the colon, thus reducing discomfort due to abdominal swelling. Easy to mix that provides a pleasant neutral flavor. Children’s Probiotic helps:

  • Combat and prevent intestinal diseases such as colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and intestinal inflammation;
  • Combat diseases such as cancer, candidiasis, hemorrhoids and urinary infection.
  • Improve digestion and combat acidity.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
