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Rose water encloses in its delicate nature the oldest and most interesting health and beauty secrets. Their properties, in addition, are considerable.

Roses have respiratory properties. To improve flu and colds, the fruit of the roses is usually used. That is, the fruit that remains in the plant when the rose itself has already dried. We cook them with boiling water, with seeds included, to then strain the contents and drink two cups a day.

They also have astringent properties. If we prepare an infusion we can benefit in the event that we have an eye inflammation. The relief is immediate.

Also the skin can benefit from the properties of this flower. Thanks to the rose water and its incredible properties, we will obtain great benefits in the healing of the skin. In addition, it helps us prevent the aging of the same and solve any topical wound.

Its high content of vitamin C is perfect for synthesizing collagen. In addition, this vitamin helps us to protect against those free radicals that cause us aging.

Thanks to its vitamin B, E, its tannins and its pectin, it is an ideal tonic to cleanse our skin and reaffirm it.

Softens stains, stretch marks and wrinkles.

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It is anti-inflammatory and decongestant. The signs of tiredness for a long day are relieved by that tonic. If you use rose water in the morning you will see how the bags under the eyes are dimmed.

Relieves headache. Hence, you can use it, for example, moistening compresses or tissues to apply on the forehead.

It’s relaxing.

Prevents hair loss by improving blood flow and strengthening hair follicles.

It has antibacterial and healing properties. Therefore, rose water is an ally against canker sores, skin ulcers and acne.

Roses offer digestive benefits. Including the petals of the roses in our meals helps us cleanse our intestines and relieve constipation. We can, for example, use them in our salads, and even prepare a delicious rose tea.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
