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Antiallergics are drugs that act in the body and do not allow a response to allergens to be generated, preventing the most common allergy symptoms, such as bronchoconstriction or urticaria.

Nasal decongestants are used to treat allergic rhinitis and cases of nasal obstruction.

The most notable allergens are divided into three classes: inhalants, contactants and by ingestion or inoculation.

Inhalants or pneumoallergens (via inhalation)

Regularly, the manifestation to this type of agents is maintained and gives rise to allergic diseases in the target organs exposed to the air (in the bronchi, bronchial asthma and other respiratory allergic diseases, in the nose, rhinitis, polyposis and sinusitis, and in the eyes, conjunctivitis

It is recommended in these cases, Loratadine that is used to temporarily relieve the symptoms of hay fever (allergy to pollen, dust or other substances in the air) and other allergies. These symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itching of the eyes, nose, and throat.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
