There are many reasons that influence a person to snore.

It is also considered as a symptom of possible diseases.

Some are directly related to the particularities of our airways, but others have more to do with the way we rest or lack of healthy habits.

When we sleep, the muscles and tissues of the pharynx relax, producing a narrowing of the airways. Sometimes, when this space is reduced, the air that is inspired rubs the soft parts of the palate and the uvula (bell) making them vibrate. That tremulous movement is the cause that generates the sound of snoring.

If you are overweight, the solution is probably to take care of the line. Obesity is one of the main causes of snoring because the respiratory tract is subject to a higher pressure of neck fat.

Alcohol and tobacco negatively influence our breathing. To stop snoring, eliminates the consumption of these substances, especially during the late afternoon.

The position in which we sleep also conditions the appearance of those annoying nocturnal sounds. When we rest on our back, the base of the tongue falls backwards, reducing the space for air to pass through. Sleeping on the side will prevent us from clogging the respiratory tract with the tongue and, therefore, it will help you to stop snoring.

The obstruction of the nostrils is behind the snoring of many people. It is important to have the nose clear of mucosa and hydrated when we go to bed. If sounding or applying creams is not enough, other treatments to stop snoring are dilators or plasters, which will help you breathe easier.

It is possible that you snore because your jaw is retracted. This is usually remedied with oral prostheses that hold the jaw, retain the tongue or elevate the palate.

In the case of sleep apneas, the solution lies in the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). This practice consists in introducing pressure air through the nose through the device throughout the night, so that the airways are not obstructed. The CPAP is very effective, but if you stop using it, the apneas will return.

There are cases in which surgical treatments are necessary for snoring to disappear. There are several techniques based on surgery, laser or radiofrequency to harden or shorten the soft parts that make us snore.

If you suspect that you may suffer sleep apnea, see the doctor as soon as possible to avoid major complications.

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