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It is a therapy in which water is the main therapeutic element and is applied in people of advanced age to treat and alleviate some of their diseases.

This treatment is carried out by a physiotherapy professional in shallow pools.The benefits obtained with hydrotherapy in elderly people help improve the quality of life of patients. The use of water for therapeutic purposes, serves to treat different diseases, injuries and disorders. In centers for the elderly it is advisable to use this method to alleviate and treat pathologies at the traumatological, neurological, rheumatological and post-surgical levels.

The main benefits granted by this treatment are:

  • Improvement of vascular circulation
  • Immune system stimulation
  • Improvement of muscle tone
  • Improves mood
  • Improves breathing
  • Contributes to socialization.

It is an activity that besides being entertaining and healthy, can be applied in all age ranges.

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