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Antitussives are compounds that operate on the central or peripheral nervous system to eliminate the cough reflex, among them there are those of natural origin such as honey.

This is a natural food substance of sweet taste, produced by bees of the genus ApisMellifera from the nectar of flowers or the secretions of the living parts of some plants. The bees collect the nectar and transform it by mixing it with its own substances (enzymes); this mixture is stored in the combs of the hive where, after a period of maturation, honey is obtained.

The consumption of honey dates back to 10,000 years a. of C. Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, used it to heal various skin conditions; it was also used by the Egyptians to heal wounds, burns, embalm bodies and as part of the food that the deceased had on his journey to the afterlife.

Depending on the diversity of the flowers and the type of hive, honey offers many different substances, beneficial to health.

This substance contains antioxidants, vitamins such as B, C, D and E and minerals such as iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese. That is why it helps the body to restore its habitual rhythm of activity and improves coronary risk by providing energy to the cardiac muscle, and promoting the production of organic phosphates.

Honey with lemon helps relieve cough, as it covers the walls of the throat and softens it. A medicine that can also be used is Koflet.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
