Greek honey is undoubtedly one of the best, it is treasured so much for its taste and flavor, as it is for its high content of vitamins and nutrients. Bees in Greece have access to a wide variety of flora types and the best environment, all of which influences the quality, taste and consistency of the honey they produce.

The best Greek honey is extracted exactly at the right time when it has matured in the hive and is unfiltered to retain all its natural properties.

Honey has natural health properties, is a powerful antioxidant and has healing properties too, known as wound dressing since antiquity for its antibacterial properties.

The main components are glucose and fructose with small amounts of minerals, and vitamins, as well as useful antioxidants. The flavor, aroma and consistency depend on the flowers that the bees visit, the climatic conditions and the species of bees.

Honey can be sweet, spicy or even slightly bitter depending on the flowers that supply the nectar. It is a restorative and rejuvenating nectar of tissues and healing in a number of common diseases. Honey should be a part of your daily diet to ensure your continued good health for years.

The Chinese have completely invaded the markets with honey, but true connoisseurs know that there is no honey on earth that can be compared to the best Greek honey, organically grown and naturally in natural environment through the many islands of Greece.

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