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Cupressus is a genus of trees commonly called cypress.

They have become naturalized in all the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with adequate temperatures and soils, and can be found growing spontaneously and dispersely. Many of the species are cultivated as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens in Europe and in Asia they are located next to the temples. The cypresses are also widely used as dividing hedges since their roots are pivoting, that is, they grow deep and do not damage the walls.

It is a large coniferous plant, which can exceed 35 meters in height. Their periods of life are prolonged, to date they have been able to find different specimens with ages that exceed 1000 years.

The plant contains large amounts of essence, with high concentrations in stem and branches. The essence has alpha-pinene, cadinene, canfen and cedrol; together they produce the characteristic smell of many conifers. The aromas of the cypress have been associated since ancient times with the cure of respiratory diseases. It also has properties such as astringent, antirheumatic and antitussive.

A medicine that can also work is: Venotónico Pranarôm

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