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The antacid medicine is a substance whose active principle is aimed at neutralizing heartburn. In other words, the antacid alkalizes the stomach by increasing the pH.

Antacids are used to reduce the symptoms of reflux and to relieve digestive burn caused by ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

Magnesium carbonate is a chemical compound that can be presented as powders or tablets. In the case of magnesium carbonate, it is a white chemical compound that has many health benefits. Its main uses are as a laxative, antacid and as a remedy to combat constipation.

Magnesium acts on nerve impulse transmission and muscle relaxation. Necessary for the maintenance of the acid-base balance. It intervenes in the actions of the, and vitamin D of the bone.

Another option that can help you is the drug Nexium control.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
