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Rhem’s self-management therapy for depression also has a fundamental component in behavioral activation.

From their perspective, self-management skills are considered important to ensure that an individual gets external reinforcement. They are also used to react to failure, since they allow persisting or changing the behavior that is aimed at the intended objective.

People with depression focus more on the immediate consequences of their behavior, neglecting the more positive long-term consequences. These people can also be very demanding of themselves and consequently fail to achieve their objectives too high and self-reinforce very infrequently, while they self-punish very frequently. The treatment, according to this therapy, is to provide patients with self-control skills to advance important goals and participate more in behaviors that are reinforcing

Problem-solving therapy not only teaches patients how to solve problems, but its effectiveness lies in changing the way they deal with problems, considering them as a challenge and a possibility to improve, rather than facts about those who do not have too much control and have to endure them. Again, a component of this therapy is to give the patient the ability to activate and act to achieve their goals.

The fundamental point of all cognitive behavioral treatment is the functional analysis, which indicates which are the processes that maintain depression. Depending on the result of the analysis, treatment can be planned. So Rhem (2010) states that for people who are inactive, behavioral activation will be effective, for some who have assertiveness problems and are suffering and depressed because of it, the training in assertiveness will be appropriate, for others it will be the resolution of problems, other They will have multiple problems that have to be dealt with sequentially. You have to design a specific treatment for each person.

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