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Consult a doctor as soon as possible if you think you have a fractured foot or toe.

Until your consultation, do not apply weight on the leg and apply ice to reduce swelling. Use a cooling gel or wrap the ice in a towel so it does not come into direct contact with the skin. Apply ice for no more than 20 minutes at a time. Take aspirin or ibuprofen to help relieve pain. Wear wider shoes with a stiff sole.

Rest is the main treatment for overload fractures in the foot. Avoid the activity that caused the injury or any activity that causes pain at the site of the fracture, for three to four weeks. Replace the activity with one that exerts less pressure on the foot, such as swimming. Gradually, you can return to the activity. Your doctor or trainer may be able to help you detect the training errors that caused the initial problem so you can avoid a recurrence.

Learn more about your health and well-being at Pharmamedic.
